One day it’s cold and rainy, the next it’s bright and sunny. As you can see by my last post there is still a lot of color in Southern California and yes in Santa Clarita too. In addition to the color of fruit and berries, there are flowering plants too. As I walk around my […]
Wordless Wednesday – Color in Santa Clarita, Ca.
Daffodils behind Sedge Kumquats after a rain Berries of a Heavenly Bamboo For more information see my website
How to Plant and Care for A Fruiting Banana
I am in love with edibles, I especially love subtropical fruits, and I have been very lucky to find an amazing resource almost right in my own backyard! As a matter of fact this nursery actually is someone’s backyard. I have been trying (in vain) to grow a fruiting banana but the weather here in […]
It’s Time To Prune Your Roses
Super Bowl Sunday is a great day to prune your roses in Southern California. It’s easy to remember and if you’re not a football fan give you something to do. If you are a fan, there is always Saturday or the morning of the game. Pruning too early in the year (like when the mow, […]
How to Prepare For Frost
This photo by: Vanessa Clair It is getting closer to the time of year in the Santa Clarita Valley (and much of Southern California) that may bring frost. It is time to become acquainted with how to handle your garden. There are warning signs for frost such as still air (tree branches aren’t moving) no […]
Turn off your Sprinklers Southern California!
If you haven’t done it already, it is definitely time to turn your sprinklers off! This has been predicted to be an El Nino year, so you may be leaving your sprinklers off for quite some time. After the rain stops, don’t just turn the water back on immediately, you don’t need to water again […]
How To Take Care of Your Poinsettia Plant.
To ensure that your poinsettia plants looks good during the holidays, follow these rules and you should enjoy your plant and keep it healthy. Place your plant so that it receives indirect sunlight at least 6 hours a day. Screen with a sheer curtain if the sun is direct. A room temperature of 68 – […]
How to Decorate With Plants For The Holidays
Everyone in the neighbor hood is stringing up lights, putting out blow up Santas and adding giant ornaments in the trees in their front yard. Do you really want to look like everyone on the block? How about taking a little time to add seasonal decorations with plants for a change. Outdoor plants add color, […]
How to Find the Best Day Lily and Iris Plants in Southern California
It’s late fall, almost winter and living in Southern California means that I can still install landscape designs for my fabulous clients. Thanksgiving has gone and although there are plenty of things to spend money frivolously on people’s budgets today beg for a good value for the hard earned money we have. So this week […]
How to Pick Trees for Fall Color (and other things to do in November)
November is a great time to add trees to your landscape. Especially deciduous trees with fall color. You can pick trees now, because as you shop for them you will see what they look like in full fall color. Each tree has a slight variation in color and now is the best time to see […]