What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In March

Last year about this time I started a monthly blog post to remind you what to do in your garden each month. The year is now complete, so now I can start linking to my old posts. I promise that as I have new insights I will add them to your monthly reminders. I hope […]

Cold Weather Warning for Southern California

There is a cold weather warning in effect for Southern California, starting tomorrow 2/25/11 and extending through the weekend. They are saying that this is going to be the coldest it has been in years and if you thought 2007 was cold… it might snow as low as 1,000 feet (that means it could be […]

How to Care for Dodonaea (Hopseed Bush)

When it comes to finding a low care, low water, versatile evergreen shrub for the sun, you can look no further than the Dodonaea or Hopseed Bush. You can find it in both a green variety, and a purple variety, so it will fit in with many color schemes. The plant as a pretty, long […]