Planning Your Landscape Design

As a Landscape Designer in Santa Clarita, I would like to share with you the importance of planning your Landscape Design.  I recently had a phone call from a woman who was on a fact finding mission (great idea) she wanted to get some ballpark pricing for making changes to her yard.  Since I love […]

Wordless Wednesday

Inspiration for Santa Clarita Gardening       I’m speaking at Green Thumb again this month. Saturday March 23, 2013. I’ll be speaking at 10 about designing with color. I’ll stay around until at least noon, and am always happy to answer questions. Green Thumb is located at 23734 Newhall Ave. Newhall, CA 91321. If […]

How To Choose Color For Your Garden

Being a Landscape Designer in Santa Clarita brings me lots of questions high on the list is, “What is the best way to add color to my garden?”  I’m hoping to answer that here.  First of all there are quite a few reasons to add color to your garden: Color is great for bringing energy […]

What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In March

As a Landscape Designer in Santa Clarita, I know that it is important for you to have your March Gardening Tips, so here we go. It is starting to feel a lot like Springtime!  The mornings are still a little chilly, but by mid day it is time to peel off a layer and enjoy […]

Walking in the Santa Clarita Valley

Being a landscape Designer in the Santa Clarita Valley, I know the value of inspiration and the winter in Southern California never fails to provide.  I have two wonderful dogs, and I enjoy a walk with them every day.  I enjoy the paseos around my home, the wash nearby, and of course Towsley Canyon and […]