What The Heck Is Deadheading?

Being a landscape designer in the Santa Clarita Valley, and a gardener from childhood I have never had to think twice about the term deadheading. Yes, I know it has other connotations beyond the gardening world, but I’ve always been more of a Rolling Stones fan than a Dead Head so gardening was always the […]

What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In August

Although the week was super hot, we had a nice surprise – a Thunder Storm!  I just love a good summer storm, it reminds me of home (New York).  I hope you aren’t too frizzy from the humidity to enjoy the hydrating visit that Mother Nature has bestowed upon our arid environment. Just click here […]

How To Get Rid of Spittle Bug (Philaenus spumarius)

  Being a Landscape Designer in Santa Clarita means that people come to me with questions about plants, design, and even pests.  Recently a friend called to ask me what the foamy stuff was on her rosemary plants, and my answer of course was Spittle Bugs. It got me to thinking that in this hot […]

How To Care For Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan)

Rudbeckia is more commonly known as Black-eyed Susan and it makes a beautiful, brightly colorful addition to a planter bed or container design. They are perennial flowers, (although a few varieties are annual… read your labels) which will give you many years of beauty and joy if you spend a little time caring for them […]