Yes, it is January so I’m going to start talking about roses again. I want to make sure that you don’t let those landscape janitors of yours prune your roses too early. Like now… In Southern California the best time to prune your roses (and apply dormant spray) is around Super Bowl Sunday. So, put […]
Wordless Wednesday 2014 Begins
Wordless Wednesday Inspiration for your garden. Happy New Year! Gabriola Island, BC – my idea of heaven If your garden isn’t up to what you want it to be or you just want to collaborate to start your year right think about calling me. I can help you design a space, a yard, a garden, […]
Wordless Wednesday – Merry Christmas!
Wordless Wednesday, Garden Inspiration for Southern California Tree Aloe – looks like a great Christmas Tree to me! Chrysanthemum ‘Pacifica’ Hypoestes If you are ready to create the Garden Sanctuary of your dreams think about calling me in to help you design a space, a yard, a garden, or your whole property! I have a […]
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays, or is it Stressful Holidays? Everyone is out and about, if you haven’t gotten your to do list done don’t fret. Your Southern California Garden can help you unwind from the frantic pace of the season, a garden is a naturally grounding place so take advantage of what you have at your finger […]
Wordless Wednesday – Winter Blooms
Wordless Wednesday: Gardening Inspiration for Southern California Cestrum ‘Huntington’ Iochroma Cestrum If you are ready to create the Garden Sanctuary of your dreams think about calling me in to help you design a space, a yard, a garden, or your whole property! I have a great team I’ve put together and I’d love to help […]
What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In December
I delayed this a week or so, since I wanted to make sure I got the Frost Warning Post out in a timely manner. Now I’d like to remind you about What To Do in your Garden this month. Here is your Gardening Chore List for this month, not that you don’t already have enough […]
Wordless Wednesday – Out of Season Beauty
Wordless Wednesday takes an unusual turn – still blooming, beautiful (and stressed out) Hydrangeas. If you are ready to create the Garden Sanctuary of your dreams think about calling me in to help you design a space, a yard, a garden, or your whole property! I have a great team I’ve put together and […]
What To Do For A Freeze Warning
It seems like every year our Freeze Warning comes earlier and earlier. Last year I don’t remember posting until later in the year, but here it is the first week of December and already the Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys have been touched by the cold. I was working at a job site in Canyon […]
Wordless Wednesday – Manhattan Style
I am so blessed to be from New York, and whenever we visit we take a trip to the city. Please enjoy my Wordless Wednesday from Manhattan. A walk in the park The Dakota loves Kale! Yes, Asters still blooming in Central Park! If you are ready to create the Garden Sanctuary of your dreams […]
Gardening Words Break
I wanted to wish you a wonderful Gardening Week, I am taking a much needed family break so please enjoy these photos and I’ll be back with more words next week. If you are ready to create the Garden Sanctuary of your dreams think about calling me in to help you design a space, a […]