Spending time in the Garden in July can be a challenge in Southern California. It has been pretty hot, and even a little humid some days. Be sure to stay hydrated and keep your time out in the garden to the cooler hours of the day.
As luck has had it I have been very busy this month, so I apologize for my delayed posting. I have found that one of the most advantageous things you can do this month is to really check your watering schedule, as it gets hotter your plants need not MORE water but better watering practices. You should be sure to cycle water, you may want to add a cycle at this time as well. I cycle water all year, but find that in the summer I need to make my watering times a little earlier in the day and I often add to them. I am only watering three times per week, but they are deep watering.
Another important garden chore is checking your mulch. If you have not put a nice layer of mulch on your garden, it is certainly time to do that. The mulch protects the roots of the plants and when it is hot, that is really important. It also keeps water at the root zone and weeds at bay. What more could you ask for?
If you don’t get to all the chores this month, don’t worry – there is always August! Here is a link to your July Garden Chores.
If you would like to learn more about designing a garden that is just for you, consider giving me a call at 661-917-3521 or visit my website and contact me there.