Gardening in December in Southern California is a real thing. Many of our out of state friends either think we are crazy or lucky, however you slice it we have chores to do! Gardening in December may sound like it would be easy, and it can be if you just take a little time to read over the list and follow it.
If you didn’t adjust your irrigation timer to water less last month, now is certainly the time to do it. You need a LOT less water at this time of the year than the summer. And don’t forget to turn your timer off when it starts to rain! Water is going to be a big part of our next few months, so learning more about how it interacts with our plants and our soil is important.
Before I let you get you the list of what gardening in December looks like, I want to give you a little food for thought. We have been in a drought for many years, and we have an El Nino headed our way so we will soon get to experience first hand what it means to either have a landscape that is a sponge or one that is not. Having a garden that contains beautiful soil that resembles a sponge and permeable surfaces is going to be the difference between keeping water on your property and sending off to pollute the oceans and lose it. Our earth is made to absorb water and yes, pollutants that the oceans can not handle.
I can help you create that watershed on your property, that will allow you to keep the water we are going to get and help you be part of the solution. If you want to learn more, give me a call at 661-917-3521 or visit my website and contact me there.