Our yards should be gardens, and our gardens should be our sanctuaries. Creating a Garden Sanctuary is the perfect gift for yourself and your family, and one that will pay you back over and over. You garden should be a place to unwind, to relax, and to detox from your every day life. We work so hard, we please other people and do things for other people day in and day out so having somewhere to go to rejuvenate is essential.
So, how do you create your own personalized Garden Sanctuary? Here are a few steps that you can follow on the path to creating YOUR Garden Sanctuary.
- Spend some time thinking about what you would like to include in your space.
- Spend time in your space – just sitting, standing, or better yet – lying down staring up at the sky.
- Decide if you want a space within your garden for a specific activity. (Yoga meditation, painting, reading)
- Dream
- Look at photos on the net
- Research – what do you need to make that smaller sanctuary within your garden work for what you want to do?
- Take an inventory of your space(s) the overall property and the smaller spaces within.
- Get input from family (or anyone you want to share with)
- Plan it out
- Create a budget
- Talk to experts
- Chunk it into reasonable projects or… get someone else to do it all for you!
This is the kind of project that is very rewarding, but you have to make sure that you cover all bases. Considerations that I always have when creating a beautiful outdoor space will also include: irrigation, drainage, sun exposure, hardscape features, plants (that make you happy), and of course lighting.
If you would like to learn more about creating Your Garden Sanctuary please join me next Saturday September 21, 2013 at Green Thumb Newhall, where I will be presenting the seminar, “Creating Your Garden Sanctuary” at their Harvest Festival. I will be speaking at 10 am and will stay around afterwards to answer questions. Green Thumb is located at 23734 Newhall Ave Newhall, CA 91321