Iris (one of Grandma’s favs) Ornamental Strawberry Calla Lily For more about my designs please visit my website
Month: March 2011
April 2011 Gardening Events & More…
April Showers bring May flowers, and if April is anything like March, we’re going to have a lot of flowers this year! April has a lot to offer for the gardener and for the family, so take a look at these events and pick some that suit you! As always, I want to remind you […]
Wordless Wednesday – Texture and Color
Loropetalum – Chinese Fringe Flower Kalmia – Mountain Laurel Grevillea noellii For more about my designs visit my website
How To Care For California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)
The California Poppy, Eschscholzia californica is the California State flower, it is a beautiful bright spot that is starting to pop in the landscape welcoming the warmer weather. The California poppy is nyctinastic, which means that it closes up at night and on cloudy days, so it is a fun plant for children. It is […]
Wordless Wednesday – LA & SCV
Clivia Juncus My first blooming Daylily For more about my design visit my website
Antiques That Inspire
Inspiration is all around us, you just need to take a moment to look around, take a breath and take it all in. Whether you find inspiration in magazines or walking the neighborhoods you cherish there is much to be found that we can imitate or repurpose in our gardens. One of my favorite sources […]
Wordless Wednesday – Color & Interest
Osteos Artichoke Leaves Sweet Pea Shrub
What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In March
Last year about this time I started a monthly blog post to remind you what to do in your garden each month. The year is now complete, so now I can start linking to my old posts. I promise that as I have new insights I will add them to your monthly reminders. I hope […]
Wordless Wednesday – March Madness
Spanish Lavender Little John Bottlebrush Breath of Heaven