Month: July 2011

What’s Happening In Southern California – Garden Edition August 2011

As always, I want to remind you to shop local, and get the freshest produce around by heading out to the local Farmer’s Markets in Santa Clarita: Sundays 8:00am – noonCollege of The Canyons Parking LotDon’t forget to visit my friend Sarah from Worldwide Exotics There is also another great Farmer’s Market:Thursdays in Old Town […]

Jujube Care & Harvesting

The jujube (Zizyphus jujuba.) is a lovely small deciduous tree that produces wonderfully unusual fruit that can be eaten both fresh and dried. Originally from the Indian sub continent they will grow well in Southern California – specifically the Santa Clarita Valley! They can take low temperatures but the only need 200 chill hours to […]

How To Care For Gaillardia

Gaillardia or Blanket Flower is a beautiful perennial addition to your garden. They are heat and drought tolerant, attract butterflies and other pollinators and need very little care. The Blanket Flower gets about 2-3’ tall and should be planted about 18” apart. They are readily available in 4” pots or 1 gallons but grow very […]

What’s Fun In Santa Clarita & Beyond? – Garden Edition July 2011

As always, I want to remind you to shop local, and get the freshest produce around by heading out to the local Farmer’s Markets in Santa Clarita: Sundays 8:00am – noonCollege of The Canyons Parking LotDon’t forget to visit my friend Sarah from Worldwide Exotics There is also another great Farmer’s Market:Thursdays in Old Town […]

What To Do In Your Southern California Garden In July

Happy Fourth of July Weekend! I hope you all have stellar plans for this long weekend. I don’t expect you to get your gardening done this weekend, but I do want to give you the monthly list. Here is the link to the July Chores for your garden. Enjoy! You too deserve a beautiful backyard […]